Back-to-School – Making Safety a Priority

Today is the first day of September which means #BackToSchool is just around the corner! This is a very exciting and busy time of year. To help kids return to school safely, we encourage parents to talk to their children about walking to school safely.

  • Practice the daily route to school or bus stop
  • Encourage your kids to stick to the route and avoid short cuts
  • Walk in groups, there is safety in numbers
  • To always walk on the sidewalk, away from the roadway
  • Always cross with the crossing gaud when you can and obey the crossing guard
  • Follow the walk signal where there are traffic lights
  • Always look in all directions before you cross the street
  • Walk, don’t run across the street
  • Always be alert, avoid distractions which includes putting away your phones and devices
  • Establish a pick-up plan
  • Watch out for each other

Stay safe and have a great school year!
